In an initial, getting to know you meeting…
- What life experiences have led you to come to our college?
- Who has been helpful in your learning experiences in the past?
- What is your dream for your life when you have completed this program?
When a student is sharing a struggle or needs help overcoming what he/she perceives as a failure:
- Please tell me about a time you faced a challenging situation that you were able to solve? Who did you rely on for support?
- Tell me about a time when you felt that you were actively engaged in learning. How did you feel? What made you feel engaged?
When a student is seeking out initial career planning advice:
- What are three or four things that are really important to you life now?
- Do you think that those things will still be important after you graduate? If not, what would those things be? If so, what will you need to do to make sure that these things are still integral to your life?
- Do you think that those same things will still be important five years after you graduate? If not, what will those things be? If so, what will you need to make sure that these things are still integral to your life?
For more information about learning about appreciative advising, click here.
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