Monday, April 29, 2013

Heather Crum's experience from the National NACADA Conference 2012 in Nashville, Tennessee

Empowering Student Career Stories in Times of Change and Challenge: Dan Wilcox, Kansas State University

*One of my favorite sessions I attended at the conference was on career counseling.  I found it to be very enlightening.  One reason for this is that my MBTI type is ISFJ.  Attending this session helped me to get a taste of the Intuitive and Perceiving personality types.  I felt energized after attending this session because I feel that the presenter gave important tips for advisors to consider when engaging in major exploration with a student.
*Main points of this session:
  1. Indecision is a sensible approach to an uncertain future. 
  2. Help students become adaptive agents.  Be open minded and not worried. 
  3. Career Adaptability:  Everyone has a different exploration journey.  Help students learn to be flexible and adapt to changes. 
  4. Adaptive students will do the best in the future.  Today’s work world and individual plans change constantly.  Help students develop transferrable skills.   
  5. Positive Uncertainty:  Accept uncertainty in your life and be positive about it.  Be flexible and teachable.  We aren’t “married” to our careers. 
  6. Use both left and right brain in decision making.  Don’t be afraid to take risks. 
  7. Some things happen by chance.  Do we take advantage of these situations for our success?  Look for opportunities.  
  8. Don’t discourage students from dreaming and exploring.
  9. During the exploratory process, people often discover something new about self or environment and then change direction/goals. 
  10.  It is hard to know what will make our future selves happy.  We have biases in our decision making.  We must also consider job satisfaction.